International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance
A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
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Statement on Decolonization of Music and Dance Studies
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History of ICTMD governance
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Early Career Scholars Network (ECSN)
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Traditions of Music and Dance (formerly Yearbook for Traditional Music)
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Bulletin of the ICTMD
Past issues
Submission Guidelines
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Celebrating the ICTM
DIALOGUES: Towards Decolonizing Music and Dance Studies
Books by or in collaboration with ICTMD
Recordings by or in collaboration with ICTMD
ICTMD Article Prize
ICTMD Book Prize
ICTMD Documentary Film or Video Prize
ICTMD Student Paper Prize
Study Groups
African Musics
Applied Ethnomusicology
Audiovisual Ethnomusicology
Global History of Music and Dance
Iconography of the Performing Arts
Indigenous Music and Dance
Mediterranean Music Studies
Multipart Music
Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia
Music and Dance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe
Music and Dance in the Turkic World
Music and Dance of Oceania
Music and Dance of the Slavic World
Music and Minorities
Music Archaeology
Music in the Arab World
Music, Education and Social Inclusion
Music, Gender, and Sexuality
Musical Instruments
Musics of East Asia
Performing Arts of Southeast Asia
Sacred and Spiritual Sounds and Practices
Sound, Movement, and the Sciences
Sources and Archives for Music and Sound Studies
Minutes of General Assemblies of Members
Minutes of the 46th ICTM General Assembly
(University of Ghana Legon, Ghana, 15 July 2023)
Minutes of the 45th ICTM General Assembly
(online, 24 July 2021)
Minutes of the 44th ICTM General Assembly
(Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 13 July 2019)
Minutes of the 43rd ICTM General Assembly
(Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland, 15 July 2017)
Minutes of the 42nd ICTM General Assembly
(Kazakh National University of Arts, Astana, 18 July 2015)
The Minutes of the 41st ICTM General Assembly (Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai, China, 16 July 2013) can be found on
pages 11–15 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
123 (October 2013)
The Minutes of the 40th ICTM General Assembly (Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, 15 July 2011) can be found on
pages 8–12 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
119 (October 2011)
The Minutes of the 39th ICTM General Assembly (University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, 3 July 2009) can be found on
pages 4–8 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
115 (October 2009)
The Minutes of the 38th ICTM General Assembly (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria, 8 July 2007) can be found on
pages 5–11 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
111 (October 2007)
The Minutes of the 37th ICTM General Assembly (Ranmoor House Hall, Sheffield, UK, 5 August 2005) can be found on
pages 5–13 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
107 (October 2005)
The Minutes of the 36th ICTM General Assembly (Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China, 7 January 2004) can be found on
pages 9–13 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
104 (April 2004)
Reports from the 35th ICTM General Assembly (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6 July 2001) can be found on
pages 5–11 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
99 (October 2001)
The Minutes of the 34th ICTM General Assembly (Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, Japan, 21 August 1999) can be found on
pages 20–24 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
95 (October 1999)
Minutes of Assemblies of National and Regional Representatives (World Network)
Minutes of the 17th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives
(University of Ghana Legon, Ghana, 17 July 2023)
Minutes of the 16th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives
(Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal, 22 July 2022)
Minutes of the 15th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives
(Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 15 July 2019)
Minutes of the 14th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives
(Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland, 17 July 2017)
Minutes of the 13th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives
(Kazakh National University of Arts, Astana, 16 July 2015)
The minutes of the 12th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai, China, 13 July 2013) can be found on
pages 16–17 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
123 (October 2013)
The minutes of the 11th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, 15 July 2011) can be found on
pages 12–13 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
119 (October 2011)
The minutes of the 10th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, 7 July 2009) can be found on
pages 8–9 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
115 (October 2009)
The minutes of the 9th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria, 8 July 2007) can be found on
pages 12–14 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
111 (October 2007)
The minutes of the 8th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Ranmoor House Hall, Sheffield, UK, 6 August 2005) can be found on
pages 17–18 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
107 (October 2005)
The minutes of the 7th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou, China, 10 January 2004) can be found on
pages 14–15 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
105 (October 2004)
The minutes of the 6th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2001) can be found on
pages 12–13 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
99 (October 2001)
The minutes of the 5th Assembly of ICTM National and Regional Representatives (Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, Japan, August 1999) can be found on
pages 26–28 of the
Bulletin of the ICTM
95 (October 1999)
Minutes of Assemblies of Study Group Chairs
Minutes of the 5th Assembly of Study Group Chairs
(University of Ghana Legon, Ghana, 15 July 2023)
Minutes of the 4th Assembly of Study Group Chairs
(Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal, 21 July 2022)
Minutes of the 3rd Assembly of Study Group Chairs
(Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 16 July 2019)
Minutes of the 2nd Assembly of Study Group Chairs
(Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland, 14 July 2017)
Minutes of the 1st Assembly of Study Group Chairs
(Kazakh National University of Arts, Astana, 17 July 2015)
Minutes of Secretariat-Study Groups Salons
Minutes of 4th Secretariat-Study Groups Salon
(online, 5 March 2024)
Minutes of 3rd Secretariat-Study Groups Salon
(online, 4 December 2023)
Minutes of 2nd Secretariat-Study Groups Salon
(online, 26 September 2023)
Minutes of 1st Secretariat-Study Groups Salon
(online, 24 August 2023)