A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
7-10 April, 2010
April, 2009
We are pleased to announce the Second Meeting of the ICTM Study Group for Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe and invite proposals to be submitted by 30 October, 2009. Please note that in accordance with our aims and objectives as a Study Group of the ICTM this bi-annual event is not a general conference but a Study Group meeting or workshop dedicated to two selected themes which will form the focus of our presentations and discussions.
Meeting place and hotel http://www.konukevi.ege.edu.tr/
Arrival date 6 April, 2009
Departure date 11 April, 2009
Working sessions of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in South-Eastern Europe
1. How do public presentations affect perceptions and practices of music and dance? Regional and national experiences.
2. Educational systems of music and dance (learning and teaching processes)
Topic 1
How do public presentations affect perceptions and practices of music and dance? Regional and national experiences.
Under this title, the Study Group will explore the ways in which public presentations of music and dance, that is, staged performances on radio, television, records etc. and at festivals, have acted on local concepts of what music and dance are and should be. How has this influenced performances outside such staged settings? What are the national policies for public performances? In which ways and to what effect have researchers and individual artists intervened in these processes?
The aim of this project is to formulate generalized conclusions based on case studies, and ultimately to present them in a scholarly publication, and where appropriate, in policy recommendations.
Topic 2
Educational systems of music and dance (learning and teaching processes)
This topic will be considered on three levels: In rural areas; from rural to urban (or teaching and learning in amateur or professional dancing groups); and education on the formal academic level.
We welcome proposals that address one or more of these questions and other related issues that arise directly from the themes. All proposals should be based on substantial fieldwork experience and/or textual elaboration.
English is the official language of the symposium, and only papers to be delivered in English can be accepted. Proposals must be submitted in English.
Please send your proposal by email. The text should be pasted into the body of the email and also sent as a Word.doc or Rich Text Format (RTF) attachment to assure access. If you are unable to send your proposal by email, you may send a hard copy plus computer diskette. Please label all communications clearly with your full contact details. It is expected that all individual presentations and panels will present new insights. Proposals for presentations that were previously given or have appeared in print, or in other formats, will be rejected.
The Program Committee reserves the right to accept those proposals that, in their opinion, fit best into the scheme of the symposium, and that can be accommodated within the time frame of the symposium.
Proposals should be sent by email to the program chair or/and to all members of the Program Committee.
Chair: Velika Stojkova Serafimovska (Macedonia) e-mail: lika73@yahoo.com
Arzu Ozturkmen (Turkey) e-mail: ozturkme@boun.edu.tr;
Dieter Christensen (USA/Germany) e-mail: dieterchristensen@hotmail.com
Iva Niemcic (Croatia) e-mail: iva@ief.hr
Lozanka Peycheva (Bulgaria) e-mail: loz_pey@yahoo.co.uk
Mehmet Ocal Ozbilgin (Turkey) e-mail: ocal.ozbilgin@ege.edu.tr
Selena Rakochevich (Serbia) e-mail: rselena@ptt.rs
Local Organizer
Mehmet Öcal ÖZBİLGİN (Assistant Director), EGE UNIVERSITY STATE TURKISH MUSIC CONSERVATORY Assoc. Prof. e-mail: ocal.ozbilgin@ege.edu.tr
Committee can not consider proposals received after the deadline of 30 October 2009. Notification for Acceptance or rejection will be announced by 1 January 2010.
If you have a deadline for funding applications for travel, accommodation, and so on, please notify the Program Committee of your deadline date.
Activities planned by the Organizer:
Folk dance performance
Classical Turkish Music Concert
Turkish Folk Music Concert
Excursion to Historical Ephesus (http://www.ephesus.us/)
Please note that the Program Committee will only consider proposals by current members of the ICTM in good standing for 2009. Please contact the Chair, Velika Stojkova Serafimovska (lika73@yahoo.com) and/or Secretary, Elsie Ivancich Dunin (lcdunin@aol.com) for membership in the Study Group. Members may join and submit a proposal at the same time. Membership applications are available at the ICTM website.
For membership questions, contact the ICTM Secretariat at secretariat@ictmusic.org.
You may present once only during the symposium. Please indicate clearly your preferred format. If members have any questions about the program, or the suitability of a proposal, please contact the Program Chair or a member of the Program Committee and ask for assistance. Colleagues are advised to bring alternative modes of presentation delivery if using PowerPoint, DVD, and so on in case of unexpected technical difficulties on the day of presentation.
Individual Presentations
Presentations from individual members, if accepted, will be grouped by the Program Committee into sessions of one and a half hours. Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes inclusive of all illustrations, audio-visual media or movement examples, plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. There will be no deviation allowed from this time allotment. A 20-minute paper is normally around 5 pages of double spaced type.
Please submit a one page abstract (about 300 words) outlining the content, argument and conclusion, its relation to the symposium theme you have chosen to address, plus a brief bibliography and/or statement of sources, if appropriate, on a second page. Please include the type of illustrations to be used in the presentation, such as slides, DVD, video (including format), and so on.
Media Presentations
Media presentations should be no more than 20 minutes in duration. You will be allotted 10 minutes extra for questions. Your presentation should engage critically with the media (video, CD, DVD, and so on) and key material for viewing should be pre-selected. It is essential that your presentation address one of the two themes. Please submit a one page abstract (about 300 words) outlining content, argument and conclusion, the relevance of the media presentation to the selected theme, plus a brief bibliography and/or other sources.
We encourage presentations in the form of panels: sessions that are entirely planned, coordinated, and prepared by a group of people, one of whom is the responsible coordinator.
Proposals may be submitted for panels consisting of three or four presenters and the structure is at the discretion of the coordinator. The proposal must explain the overall purpose, the role of the individual participants, and signal the commitment of all participants to attend the conference. Each panel proposal will be accepted or rejected as a whole.
Submit a short summary (one-page) of the panel overview, and an individual paper proposal, as described under Individual Papers above, for each presenter. All of the proposals for a panel should be sent together. Proposals should address one or more aspects of the established themes of this meeting. Total length of a panel will be one hour (with an additional 20 minutes for comments and responses).
We also encourage presentations in the form of roundtables. These are sessions that are entirely planned, coordinated, and prepared by a group of people, one of whom is the responsible coordinator. The aim is to generate discussion between members of the roundtable who present questions, issues, and/or material for about 5 minutes on the pre-selected unifying theme of the roundtable. The following discussion, at the convener’s discretion, may open into more general discussion with the audience.
The total length of a roundtable will be one and a half hours inclusive of all discussion.
Proposals may be submitted for a roundtable consisting of up to 10 presenters, and the structure is at the discretion of the convener who will chair the event. The proposal must explain the overall purpose, the role of the individual participants, and signal the commitment of all participants to attend the symposium. Each roundtable proposal will be accepted or rejected as a whole.