International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

List of ICTMD Fora

A Forum is organized by ICTMD in collaboration with other national, regional, and international scholarly organizations on a theme of common concern. The intention of a Forum is to further the free exchange of ideas on a given theme, with the objective of gaining and disseminating new insights. It is designed to provide an environment conducive to overcoming disciplinary and other barriers that often interfere with the recognition and appreciation of differing systems of thought.

To propose a new ICTMD Forum, please consult the relevant Memorandum on the Organization of ICTMD Fora.

Collaborating to Preserve and Safeguard Audiovisual and Related

Approaches to Research on Music and Dance in the Internet Era

Music as Cultural Heritage: Problems of Historiography, Ethnography, Ethics, and Preservation

Transforming Ethnomusicological Praxis Through Activism and Community Engagement