A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The Bulletin of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance carries news from the world of traditional music and dance, a calendar of upcoming events, and reports from ICTMD Study Groups and ICTMD National and Regional Representatives.
ISSN (Online): 2304-4039
Editor: Carlos Yoder.
Editorial Board: Beatriz Herrera Corado, Lee Tong Soon, Don Niles, Tan Sooi Beng.
The Bulletin of the ICTMD was established in 1948 as the Bulletin of the International Folk Music Council. Until its April 2011 issue (Vol. 118), the Bulletin was printed and posted to all members and subscribers in good standing. Starting with its October 2011 issue (Vol. 119), the Bulletin became an electronic-only publication.
The Bulletin is made available through the ICTMD's website in January, April, and October each year. It can be downloaded free of charge, and all are encouraged to redistribute it in accordance with the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported License which protects it.
The latest issue of the Bulletin of the ICTMD is Vol. 155 (April 2024), available here.
All ICTMD National and Regional Representatives as well as Study Group Chairs should submit articles (reports, announcements, calls for papers, etc.) on a regular basis.
Individual ICTMD members should direct relevant announcements or reports on activities to their national or regional representative or Study Group Chair. ICTMD members residing in countries with no official ICTMD representation may submit reports and announcements directly to the Editor at bulletin-editor@ictmusic.org.
Articles will be edited, when necessary, without notification.
Please read the full Submission Guidelines here.
Back issues of the printed Bulletin (Vols. 1-118) can be ordered directly from the Secretariat at a cost of 7.70 EUR (5.00 EUR for members in good standing) plus shipping and handling.
The complete collection of back issues is available for download free of charge from the page Past issues of the Bulletin of the ICTMD.