International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

48th ICTMD World Conference

Use this form to register to the 48th ICTMD World Conference

Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Your personal information

Fields identified with * are obligatory and must be filled in.

Please state your academic, community, or institutional affiliation. This information will be printed on your conference badge.

For student participants

Please fill in the next two fields only if you are a student

Please select the degree type you are currently pursuing
Registration fees
These are the early bird fees for your own participation in the World Conference. They are valid until 15 October 2024, after which late bird fees will apply.

By donating to the World Conference Registration Fund you can enable unwaged students and colleagues from soft currency countries to participate in the World Conference, and therefore support the mission of ICTMD.
Total Fee(s)