A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Minutes of the 3rd WELCOME MEETING of the ICTMD Study Group on Global History of Music, held on 18 July 2023 at the University of Ghana.
The meeting was called to order by Razia Sultanova, Chair, at 13:00.
The Chair warmly welcomed everyone and offered a brief overview of the Study Group’s history. The meeting agenda, previously distributed to all participants, was approved.
The minutes from the 2nd business meeting (Lisbon 2022) were approved without amendments.
Sergio Bonanzinga delivered a concise report about the 2nd Official Symposium in Palermo, offering valuable insights and outcomes. He also presented a comprehensive plan for the scope of publication of the 2nd Symposium papers. Two editors were appointed to oversee this work.
Gisa Jähnichen presented a proposal for hosting future symposia. The Ethnology Museum of Berlin Germany extended a gracious invitation to our Study Group to organize the 3rd Symposium in September 2025 as part of their Humbold Forum Section.
Razia Sultanova welcomed the new members who attended the meeting and who briefly introduced themselves.
The Chair thanked the participants and adjourned the meeting at 13:56
Minutes prepared by Kanykei Mukhtarova, Study Group’s Secretary