Popular Music: Practices, scenes and scenarios

XV Congreso de la Sociedad de Etnomusicología (SIBE)
X Congreso de IASPM-España
II Congreso ICTM-España
XV Conference of the Spanish Society of Ethnomusicology (SIBE)
X Conference of IASPM-Spain
II Conference of ICTM-Spain
Place: University of Oviedo
Dates: from November 29th to December 1st 2018.
Popular and traditional music are vivid cultural practices with a great potential for communication and the ability to gather people in activities of various kinds. This conference focuses on music as practice, paying special attention to the political character of musical practices as expressions that contribute to articulate identities. Our aim is to approach the contexts in which these practices are developed considering the scenes as spaces (physical or virtual) where the meaning of music is negotiated and the scenarios as performative domains for musical practices.
Conference main topics
- Music scenes: structure and organization, subcultures, genres and case studies.
- Music, place and space: representations, scenarios, performative and listening experiences. Soundscapes.
- Music and identities: practices, ideologies, policies and processes of identity articulation. Feminism and studies on gender, race, ethnicity, nation, age, etc.
- Musical traditions: orality, revival, management of heritage and archives.
- Scenes in movement: musical tourism, festivals and glocal scenes.
- Technology and popular music: creation, registration, circulation and consumption.
- Music and communication: mediation practices, audio-visual media, musical phenomena on the internet.