A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The Second Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia is scheduled to take place in conjunction with the annual research symposium of the University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dec. 12-14 2019. The theme of the Study Group meeting this year will be “South Asian Music in the World.” The keynote speaker is Frank Korom (Boston University).
We encourage papers and panels that address a wide range of issues concerning South Asian music and allied arts (e.g. dance, poetry, drama and visual arts) from contemporary and historical perspectives. We especially welcome contributions that consider the position of such arts, or their makers, within broader contexts of interaction—including but not limited to rural-urban relations, globalization, transnationalism and diaspora studies, digital media, and sensual or ideological encounters in the course of performance. As in our previous symposium, we wish to embrace a diversity of approaches and subject matter. We envision several panels which encourage conversation between local Sri Lankan scholars and ICTM members, and welcome suggestions for panels that foster this interaction. The UVPA and the Study Group will provide local accommodations for foreign participants whose abstracts have been accepted. Information regarding registration fees will be forthcoming. A small budget is available (by application) to help South Asian participants defray part of their travel costs to or within Sri Lanka. The papers presented in conjunction with the study group symposium will be in English, however the larger symposium will consist of papers in local languages.
Abstract: Your abstract should be 150-200 words, and should describe the topic, the research on which it is based, and its relevance to the theme, the region, or the goals of the study group more broadly (see: https://ictmusic.org/group/music-allied-arts-greater-south-asia). Please indicate your audiovisual requirements, funding needs and contact information along with the abstract of your paper on the following form: abstract submission. Although ICTM members in good standing are particularly urged to submit proposals, we also welcome proposals from scholars who might decide to join the ICTM in the future. The UPDATED deadline for abstracts is May 1st 2019. The committee will notify selected participants by June 1st 2019.
Questions? Contact: Chair: Richard Wolf <rwolf@fas.harvard.edu>
Co-Chair: Brita Heimarck <britaheimarck@gmail.com>
Secretary: Natalie Sarrazin <nataliesarrazin@hotmail.com>